Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cambugahay Falls

The island of Siquijor is known for its pristine beaches and breathtaking landscape. It is infamous for its rich natural beauty as well as historic landmarks that still stood tall up to this day. There is a shroud of mysticism and tranquility within the island that people have come to visit. You can feel the fresh air rustling the leaves of the trees and the tropical weather makes it a perfect place to relax and enjoy the vacation of a lifetime.

One of the perfect spot to enjoy Siquijor is Cambugahay Falls. One of the island’s main attraction that even people within the island spend their time with their families to relax. The Cambugahay Falls is located just 2 kilometers outside the town of Lazi which is another historic town in the island. Cambugahay Falls is actually smaller and the drop is just a few feet high. But is really good with the falls is its very clear water. There are three levels of waterfalls in Cambugahay but the first one is the most highest among the 3.The water is cool. The rocks surrounding the falls are full of moss (lumot in bisaya) which makes the area very slippery. But before you go down to the falls you will have to walk down 135 stone steps without any guardrail, but still it is very adventurous and exiting.

Going to Cambugahay falls is just every easy. By entering the town of Lazi just ask the habal-habal drivers where it is and i'm sure they bring you the the cool and mystic Cambugahay falls.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Siquijor Island

Siquijor is an island province of the  Philippines located in the Central Visayas region. Its capital is the also named Siquijor. To the northwest of Siquijor are Cebu and Negros, to the northeast is Bohol and to the south, across the  Bohol sea is Mindanao.
Population. According to the 2000 census, there are a total of 81,598 Siquijodnons, as the residents of Siquijor call themselves. The same census also states that Siquijor has 17,351 households with an average household size of 4.70 persons. The annual growth rate is 2.19%, lower than the national growth rate of 2.36%.
The main language spoken in Siquijor is Cebuano. English as well as Tagalog is also spoken by many of the residents.

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